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[GEP]⋙ PDF Free River Run Science Fiction Romance Lords of Kassis Book 1 eBook SE Smith

River Run Science Fiction Romance Lords of Kassis Book 1 eBook SE Smith

Download As PDF : River Run Science Fiction Romance Lords of Kassis Book 1 eBook SE Smith

Download PDF River Run Science Fiction Romance Lords of Kassis Book 1 eBook SE Smith

River Run Science Fiction Romance Lords of Kassis Book 1 eBook SE Smith

I LOVEEDDD this book but why the 2 stars… the male lead! I usually have something to say about the female in books like how weak and useless they are but that wasn’t the case here. River is everything a female should be- strong, resilient, a total bad azz, and will do just about anything to save her friends. River and her friends get abducted by aliens and then after a month on a slave ship get “sort of” rescued by Torak and his gang.
I could NOT STAND THE MALE, Torak. River has shown over and over again that she can take care of herself- for petes sake she survived a slave ship and even eventually destroyed it with the help of her 2 friends and even saved Torak from being tortured and what does this self, ignorant male do… take her to his planet to lock her up and uses her for sex because he claims he “loves” her and doesn’t want anything to happen to her. So pretty much she leaves one prison for another. I could NOT STAND his abusive ass and he even contemplated sleeping with other women so that he can teach her a lesson and obey him more. HECK NO that is not love and there were plenty of other things he did that made me put the book down plenty of times. Will I read book 2 hellllzzzz naw!

Read River Run Science Fiction Romance Lords of Kassis Book 1 eBook SE Smith

Tags : River's Run: Science Fiction Romance (Lords of Kassis Book 1) - Kindle edition by S.E. Smith. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading River's Run: Science Fiction Romance (Lords of Kassis Book 1).,ebook,S.E. Smith,River's Run: Science Fiction Romance (Lords of Kassis Book 1),Montana Publishing,Fiction Romance Science Fiction,Fiction Science Fiction Alien Contact

River Run Science Fiction Romance Lords of Kassis Book 1 eBook SE Smith Reviews

What could be better than a fast paced, action packed, suspense driven adventure in space? Ass some fierce circus performers and enough chemistry to overheat your ereader and you have it!

I love this new race. They are so much fun and so complex. The society is well developed and you get to see a lot about the ruling family. It makes for a fantastic backdrop to the unique tale that Smith develops. The pace never lets up throughout, yet I never felt as if we were racing forward. Vibrant descriptions bring the world to life as readers get drawn into the battle of a lifetime.

Fierce loyalty is a common thread among all of the major characters in this novel. Smith develops each character as an individual while also showing the clash of cultures and of classes. This was definitely a unique cast of characters. I love how River & Torak really stood out as well. They were both such vibrant individuals. Torak was strong and caring, with just enough arrogance to make life difficult at times. I fell for him from the get go. River’s strength in the face of everything that comes at her was fantastic. At the same time, her heart was so big that I simply wanted to get to know her better.

This novel is the perfect start for this series. It was a brilliant read on its own and has me dying to read more.
Normally I am a fan of S.E.Smith but this book just didn't work for me . At all. Torak was gross, he was just a perv and had no real personality to make up for it. Usually I can connect to at least one character in Smith's books but everyone in this book annoyed me, There was nothing to any of them and the blatant disrespect shown to women in Kassian society wasn't cute, wasn't sexy, wasn't anything but obnoxious and a huge turn off. I am not averse to sex scenes, but these just went on and on and on and weren't particularly well written. Unlike some of S.E. Smith's other series, where I was eager to find out what happened to the other characters, I have no need to read any more about anyone in this universe. And why do the girls all have to be virginal, wide eyed innocent sword swallowers? Are these adult romance stories or a thinly veiled glorificiation of pedophilia? I gave it two stars instead of one because the story started out promising but once they got off the Tearnat warship, it went downhill fast.
GREAT STORY! Unfortunately, there was way too much porn in it!!! Great authors don't have to resort to putting all that crap in there to make it a great story and S.E. Smith is one of those authors!!! Her stories are exciting, imaginative, creative, and just plain fun, but then she ruins it by putting in all the sex!!!! I wanted to throw my tablet at the wall!! This storyline had me on the edge of my seat. As much as I have read, I have never had circus performers in a storyline before so this was a new thing! And then,,, the sex started. I have gotten used to just skipping over it because frankly, its not necessary. But when I realized I was having to skip over several pages every time these two started up - I feel cheated!!! I paid for a story not porn. If I could erase it I would. I would like to read Jo and Star's stories, but after all the garbage in River's, I won't. I gave it three stars because it had an awesome story line, the three girls were awesome and I love tough talented females who can kick some major butt! However, I won't go any further and I won't recommend this because of the all the sex.
I have to say after reading the Valdier series and sequence books following Valdier I am a bit disappointed with this series. I don't like the fact that there are no true mates and the mens can mate with anyone or claim anyone they want. I understand that the 3 girls being independent and hating the whole caveman men thing the men had going and wanting to hide from them, but after half the book of hiding and fighting with no real progress in the relationship i was ready to skip pages. Everyone was way to stubborn to talk or give in, which made for a long boring series with no end in sight. I do like the girls ( don't get me wrong), but everyone could only be so stubborn for so long before the book just gets boring.
I LOVEEDDD this book but why the 2 stars… the male lead! I usually have something to say about the female in books like how weak and useless they are but that wasn’t the case here. River is everything a female should be- strong, resilient, a total bad azz, and will do just about anything to save her friends. River and her friends get abducted by aliens and then after a month on a slave ship get “sort of” rescued by Torak and his gang.
I could NOT STAND THE MALE, Torak. River has shown over and over again that she can take care of herself- for petes sake she survived a slave ship and even eventually destroyed it with the help of her 2 friends and even saved Torak from being tortured and what does this self, ignorant male do… take her to his planet to lock her up and uses her for sex because he claims he “loves” her and doesn’t want anything to happen to her. So pretty much she leaves one prison for another. I could NOT STAND his abusive ass and he even contemplated sleeping with other women so that he can teach her a lesson and obey him more. HECK NO that is not love and there were plenty of other things he did that made me put the book down plenty of times. Will I read book 2 hellllzzzz naw!
Ebook PDF River Run Science Fiction Romance Lords of Kassis Book 1 eBook SE Smith

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