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Days of Fire Bush and Cheney in the White House Peter Baker Books

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Days of Fire Bush and Cheney in the White House Peter Baker Books

The book is a reporter's history of the controversial Presidency of George W. Bush, with primary focus on unique relationship with his Vice President Cheney. The author points out the Bush-Cheney partenership is the closest and most consequential in American history since Nixon-Kissinger. (p.3)
Baker has a reporter's eye for the interesting aspect to an event, such as Cheney telling Bush a personality test said his ideal job would be a funeral home director. (p.58) Bush personal relationship with Blair and the contrast to the role of British PM to POTUS when war was approachingin refeence to 41 and Thatcher. (p.151) Bush personal reaction to victims of 9/11. (p.138) Bush's kindness to a college classmate who had changed his gender since their college days. (p.275) Bush's amazing postive disposition and kindness to aide in public embarrassment.. (p.451 and 581)
Further Bush/Cheney policy is more fairly examed than by other elite media reporting.The failure to capture Osama early in the war (pp179-180) as well as the policy failure in Fallujah contrasted with the success of the Surge. The praise of Donna Brazile on Bush's committment to New Orleans. (p.651) The author's work seems to agree with an aide assessment of Bush 43 Presidency, "Bush made crises through neglect and then resolved crises through courage." (p.650) In summary Bush was a POTUS who never quit and when his record is looked at without partisan eyes more positive than negative.

Read Days of Fire Bush and Cheney in the White House Peter Baker Books

Tags : Days of Fire: Bush and Cheney in the White House (9780385525183): Peter Baker: Books,Peter Baker,Days of Fire: Bush and Cheney in the White House,Doubleday,0385525184,American Government - Executive Branch,United States - 21st Century,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY Presidents & Heads of State.,POLITICAL SCIENCE Government Executive Branch.,United States;Politics and government;2001-2009.,Biography & Autobiography Presidents & Heads of State,Biography Autobiography,HISTORY United States 21st Century.,History United States 21st Century,Political Science,Political Science American Government Executive Branch,PoliticsInternational Relations,Presidents & Heads of State,U.S. Federal Executive Bodies,U.S. President,bisacsh

Days of Fire Bush and Cheney in the White House Peter Baker Books Reviews

Not an easy read, in fact a painful read. The misjudgments on Iraq were devastating. Yet, this is an important read, important because it so seriously, systematically and deeply examines both terms of the George W. Bush Presidency. Moreover, the author does this in a remarkably objective manner. Peter Baker conducted over 400 interviews with some 275 people as diverse as Condi Rice, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, Stephen Hadley, Michael Hayden, Rob Portman and even John Axelrod. In addition, Baker had access to full archives of the Washington Post, New York Times, and Los Angeles times. More importantly, Baker himself covered both the Clinton and Bush presidencies as a correspondent for the Washington Post. Baker also served as a Moscow Bureau chief which gave him unique insight into Vladimir Putin. Finally, Baker had the opportunity to read the memoirs of the principals involved as he completed work on this book.

It is worth noting that Baker frequently had to attempt to reconcile varying accounts of the debates within the Bush White House. Baker seems to have done this quite well. The debates on the best way to proceed in Iraq were particularly intense. The insight into the refusal to pardon Scooter Libby and its effect on the Bush Cheney relationship is profound.

Baker is a superb writer and his style fully engages the reader. Besides examining events, themes, personalities, successes, and failures of Bush Administrations, Baker provides an almost intimate look at the President’s daily life. The seemingly small asides and recounting of what it was like to be president then provide a remarkable insight into the flaws AND the humanity of the characters involved. This book will remain a basic reference for the Bush Presidency for some time to come.

in my opinion, Peter Baker may be the finest writer with a journalism background since Stanley Karnow.
I have never been a George Bush, but I came away from this biography with a healthy respect for Bush as a person. Baker presents a well-balanced biography that helps reader understand the man and the politician; his success and most of all his failure. Much to my surprise, it turned out to be an exciting read that always gave the reader an understanding of Bush as well as Cheney. Filled with conversations and recollections by the people who surrounded him in his presidency, Baker's biography lightens the very heavy topic of Bush's presidency by making no effort to spare readers from his sense of humor. His self deprecatory humor served Bush well. His ability to take responsibility for his mistakes and his unwillingness to create a false sense of importance by putting others down makes Bush a person -- if not president -- to respect.
Were the option available I might have given it 4.5 stars, this because some readers may find it difficult to plow through all the material about Iraq. But there's so much more about Supreme Court appointments, the evolving Bush-Cheney relationship, the power players within the White House, how the president dealt with difficult decisions, you get the idea. It's an excellent read, with so much anecdote and detail helping one to understand the principals and their motives. Interesting, mentioned in passing early in the volume, is that Bush said he liked being underestimated. Between the lines the book makes clear that regardless of whether one believes Bush was born to lead, his eight years as governor made a difference in his performance as president. Sirius XM's Julie Mason, who liked the book, said love Bush or hate him this book won't change your mind, My experience was different Although I didn't vote for bush in 2000 or 2004 I came away from the book with a more-positive impression of him.
The book is a reporter's history of the controversial Presidency of George W. Bush, with primary focus on unique relationship with his Vice President Cheney. The author points out the Bush-Cheney partenership is the closest and most consequential in American history since Nixon-Kissinger. (p.3)
Baker has a reporter's eye for the interesting aspect to an event, such as Cheney telling Bush a personality test said his ideal job would be a funeral home director. (p.58) Bush personal relationship with Blair and the contrast to the role of British PM to POTUS when war was approachingin refeence to 41 and Thatcher. (p.151) Bush personal reaction to victims of 9/11. (p.138) Bush's kindness to a college classmate who had changed his gender since their college days. (p.275) Bush's amazing postive disposition and kindness to aide in public embarrassment.. (p.451 and 581)
Further Bush/Cheney policy is more fairly examed than by other elite media reporting.The failure to capture Osama early in the war (pp179-180) as well as the policy failure in Fallujah contrasted with the success of the Surge. The praise of Donna Brazile on Bush's committment to New Orleans. (p.651) The author's work seems to agree with an aide assessment of Bush 43 Presidency, "Bush made crises through neglect and then resolved crises through courage." (p.650) In summary Bush was a POTUS who never quit and when his record is looked at without partisan eyes more positive than negative.
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