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Darkfire Kiss A Dragonfire Novel Deborah Cooke Books

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Darkfire Kiss A Dragonfire Novel Deborah Cooke Books

WOW!!!! What a story! and so much to get through, so much detail..... My head was

First of all, I LOVE THE DRAGONFIRE SERIES!! I couldn't put the books down at all, the moment I got one of the books I would start reading it until I was done, they are that awesome.

Darfire Kiss threw me for a loop however. It disoriented me for a bit, I guess because Rafferty was also thrown off and it took me on a wild ride that I didn't expect. Needless to say I got real close to the But, I did put this book down a few times because I couldn't think straight at times. Too much was going on and I couldn't grasp it.

I have to assume that with the series coming to an end loose ends had to be taken care of and this was the book that needed to see those ends closed. It would seem that perhaps another book could have done that instead of "shoving" some much into this one book. The word "shoving" may be too strong, but I can't think of another at this writing.

What this book has done though is left an opening for the Dragon Diaries to take over the Cheng Slayer mystery that's hanging at the end of Darfire Kiss.

I'm looking forward to that story line, and already put in my order so I can find out how Eric's daughter, Zoe Sorenson, handles her Pyr knowledge and development and where she goes from there. In addition, all Pyr come back as well as the Pyr kids now as teenagers. Now that's a development I want to see. Deborah Cooke, you Rock!!!

Read Darkfire Kiss A Dragonfire Novel Deborah Cooke Books

Tags : Darkfire Kiss: A Dragonfire Novel (9780451233493): Deborah Cooke: Books,Deborah Cooke,Darkfire Kiss: A Dragonfire Novel,Berkley,0451233492,Romance - Paranormal - General,Dragons;Fiction.,Shapeshifting;Fiction.,Women journalists;Fiction.,AMERICAN LIGHT ROMANTIC FICTION,AMERICAN SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY,Dragons,FICTION Romance Paranormal General,Fiction,Fiction-Romance,General Adult,MASS MARKET,Monograph Series, any,RomanceGeneral,Shapeshifting,United States,Women journalists

Darkfire Kiss A Dragonfire Novel Deborah Cooke Books Reviews

Love this series
Deborah Cooke does it again!
good book in the series
I was hoping for a little more from Rafferty's story since he wanted his firestorm so badly. Yes they created the darkfire with their firestorm, but they didn't come together that smoothly. I think you get so worked up for something great to happen to a beloved character that maybe you end up being a little disappointed because it wasn't as good as you were hoping. It was still an awesome read.
As the fifth and last current Dragonfire book out before Flashfire comes out in January, this was to be Rafferty's much awaited firestorm. Throughout the series thus far, he had been the voice of reason, quietly there for his "fellows" while they kicked and fussed about meeting their destined mate. Patient and wise, he let his disappointment show that the Great Wyvern had yet to grace him with his chance to meet the one female meant only for him and the only one in 1200 years able to conceive his children. He guided, cajoled, and shamed his fellow dragons into accepting not only the responsibility of carrying on the line of the Pyr but also advocating the up til now unpopular notion of true love and sticking around to help raise the progeny. Times were changing, violence against them from the Slayers were escalating, old prophesies were coming to pass, and their almost demi-goddess, the Wyvern, was dead. But still he believed their god to be benevolent and to have a greater plan in mind for all, him included.

While I understand that writing book series can be hard, not wanting each book to be the same formula only with different lead players, really there were only two original dragons left from the start, Sloan and Rafferty. The new direction the series was taking could have been spread out better, and new characters added more seamlessly (like Thorvald). Instead, Darkfire Kiss was packed with so many new characters, plot changes, dragons already introduced MIA, that poor Rafferty's firestorm was almost a side note. There was no chemistry between Melissa and him, or maybe it just seemed that way as they never really got to know one another. And what they did tell each other brought little in the way of emotional reaction, not at all what you would expect from the empathetic Rafferty.

So after 1200 years, Rafferty gets his firestorm. But it's the dreaded darkfire, fabled to bring in a new age by shaking everything up. First, we're to believe he doesn't even realize it's his firestorm, Thorvald has to tell him. Then, none of his friends will even come near him to help him and help protect his mate, even though they were there for Quinn, who they thought had been dead for years, and Delany, who was infected with the Dragon's Blood Elixer and tried to rip unborn babies out of their mates wombs. His destined mate had uterine cancer, but doesn't tell him at first and lets him think she's on board to giving him the child he's wanted so desperately for over a thousand years. There's a long drawn out scene of flowery prose of what a gift she is giving him in agreeing to bear his child!He tells his sob story about his grandfather and she barely blinks. She tells a little about the cancer and being a reporter in a war zone, and he reacts like she had shown him a hangnail. What a letdown! Poor Rafferty! Yes, poor Melissa but she could adopt but how many orphan Pyr are there for Rafferty? Do they even feel for each other? Do they even care? By now, do we?

Erik's snarling and snapping, even at his mate,and wallowing in self-pity. The other Pyr, except maybe Donovan who grimly fulfilled a favor for Rafferty, showed no concern or remorse for not being there for him. Do we really believe Thorvald is 800 years old and doesn't know what it is to be a dragon? But will now take on the most powerful of the recently introduced ones by himself? And why is the new novel that is coming out in January going to be about one of the new character's (Lorenzo, who is strong enough to beguile Erik) and not Slone or Thorvald? Did we ever know where the Dragon's Teeth Warriors go off to when not fighting? After Darkfire, do we even want to hope that it will go back to the interesting storylines and character interactions of the first four books?
Have read all the previous books in the series. This is not the most compelling story especially as we had waited to see Rafferty and his mate's firestorm. Something happened and Rafferty lacks some of the depth that we expected from a story where he was the central person. The heroine is feisty but there are a few issues as she seems to make a very fast transition from being independent and a bit sceptical to falling in love in less than 24 hours. Look I love the series but could o with more depth so that the female characters seem real people who don't just drop everything for a good looking guy and great sex. The story would have been suited to a female lead who was much younger but this lady is late 30's so it seems a big stretch to accept some of the jumps in the romance angles.
Ok I know some readers were disappointed with this one. We have waited and waited for this fire storm. However, I was not disappointed and actually really loved the way the author worked this one out. Melissa is at times very annoying to me, but she is a fighter and has overcome a lot in her life. Plus, she is a journalist right?? Bossy + noisy = great journalist. Enjoy the ride, don't get too caught up on your expectations, and you will really like this addition to the series as well!
WOW!!!! What a story! and so much to get through, so much detail..... My head was

First of all, I LOVE THE DRAGONFIRE SERIES!! I couldn't put the books down at all, the moment I got one of the books I would start reading it until I was done, they are that awesome.

Darfire Kiss threw me for a loop however. It disoriented me for a bit, I guess because Rafferty was also thrown off and it took me on a wild ride that I didn't expect. Needless to say I got real close to the But, I did put this book down a few times because I couldn't think straight at times. Too much was going on and I couldn't grasp it.

I have to assume that with the series coming to an end loose ends had to be taken care of and this was the book that needed to see those ends closed. It would seem that perhaps another book could have done that instead of "shoving" some much into this one book. The word "shoving" may be too strong, but I can't think of another at this writing.

What this book has done though is left an opening for the Dragon Diaries to take over the Cheng Slayer mystery that's hanging at the end of Darfire Kiss.

I'm looking forward to that story line, and already put in my order so I can find out how Eric's daughter, Zoe Sorenson, handles her Pyr knowledge and development and where she goes from there. In addition, all Pyr come back as well as the Pyr kids now as teenagers. Now that's a development I want to see. Deborah Cooke, you Rock!!!
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